Monday, October 17, 2011


Check out our first ever podcast recording here:

Topic: classroom management strategies :)


John J.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

my first y4iT event!! AWESOME!!

Venue Assigned: Theatre
Committee Assigned: no permanent committee
Specific Date/Time Volunteered: sep 21 and 23, 2011

1. What were your first impressions regarding the event? Which talks were the most interesting for you?
I was actually really looking forward to help out in an event such as this. I know the speakers would be great and a lot of knowledge could be learned. It's the first time i'm going to attend an IT event this big. Although the preparations were really tiring and time consuming, i was really excited to be a part of it. The talk that interested me the most is the one about educational games. The speaker just sat down and played kiddie games. It was a very stress-relieving event for me to attend. Another talk i liked was the part wherein they said they could block of game sites of the children who are getting addicted to these games at the request of the parents. I never knew this technology existed.
2. What were the lessons that you have learned in terms of running the event?

I learned that you should be ready for anything. The training was given in order for us to be prepared. We should be ready to report to the ones in authority should things go wrong. I also learned to be responsible and patient in never leaving my post even though i'm already tired. 
3. Describe examples of what went right during the event.
A lot of things actually went right during the event. Things went smoothly, the participants cooperated with the directions of the volunteers. What we were instructed during the briefing was applied really well and i must conclude it was really a well prepared, well organized and successful event.
4. Describe examples of what went wrong during the event.

There were confusion with the speakers when i volunteered on a friday afternoon. The keynote speaker Hon. Dick Gordon was originally going to speak in UP Theatre, then suddenly in Film, then back in UP theatre. It was actually pretty stressful for me to be caught in between that confusion because i was tasked to be something like a typist in the area of the stage manager. The schedule also got pretty mixed up when talks finished early and blank time was there while waiting for the speakers. There was also confusion about when the UPeepz dance crew would perform. It was really confusing but i believe we were able to handle it well.
5. What are your suggestions for the next Y4iT based on your experience in working on this project?

I have no suggestion for next Y4iT. Continue the same events, same speakers, same organizers. It went really well and I'm blessed to be able to be given a chance to be a part of it.
6. Are you willing to volunteer again in Y4iT next year? Why/Why not?
YES. definitely. as long as it's not for educ 380 (educ 190 second take) XD. It was a really memorable experience for me. It was worth the preparation. It's very fulfilling, informative and fun!


This is my first time to make a newsletter! Congrats!!


moodle link:

Research on mobile devices in education

my first QR code using QR code generator

my first QR code! YEHEY! can you guess what the hidden message is? :)

Reflection to first Webinar Experience


Steve Hargadon started the e-conference by stating that our society is experiencing the biggest changes in education and human culture because of the use of web. These changes do not only affect students but also teachers and how they teach.

Steve mentioned 2 changes that impact teachers. First is the changes in organization and the second is change in personal and professional learning. In the first aspect of change, Steve mentioned that people are now highly into blogging and social networking. Around 90 percent of the participants in the e-conference said they are into these online activities. There is also the use of wiki pages in which one can organize content creatively, but is difficult to overwrite. Moreover, he said organizing is now from the bottom going up. In one particular slide, he presented the traditional in which it starts with the institutional idea, plan, market, incentivize and finally participation. He then compared this to the New participation in which it begins with personal, then public, community, and then civic, and the process doesn’t stop.  One use of this is the future 2.0 in which he compared it to a floodgate in which there is a strong release of human energy.

The second is the changes in personal and professional learning. He said that with the use of the web, learning now becomes very personal, as compared to a large class wherein the teacher’s attention is divided. Online teaching also reaches out to students with disability. One clear example of that is Steve’s case, which he said he’s suffering the same skin condition as Michael Jackson and finds it difficult if he is to study in a university classroom setting. Steve also mentioned that students with the use of teacher 2.0 become co-creators and active participants themselves. This leads to what he called the personal cognitive revolution in which the students are significantly engaged in learning even without physically being together. They actively participate in activities and they feel like a part of the event. Finally, Steve said that among the many roles of the teachers, they must be a lead learner.

Steve mentioned a 6 step action plan to be a lead learner and finally ended with some tips. This seminar made me learn a lot of things, and all of which is important as I see myself a future educator. It was my first time ever to participate in an e-conference such as that, and I’m just really amazed at how technology is really integrated into everywhere, including teaching. Though the time of the conference was pretty bad, and I was already very tired and sleepy, I enjoyed how he presented it. As a result of that, I managed to also join in another e-conference at around 4:30 in the morning.

graphic tools: LINUX DAY

links to my first HTML


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Group Story Telling using Google Presentation: MOTMOT MADAMOT

Skills development 1: my first worksheet!!

EDUC 190 Skills Dev 1 – worksheet

MOTIVATION: Who is your friend? Why is he/she your friend? What are the qualities of your friend?

ACTIVITY: It's cooking...
Friendship is a recipe made up of many different ingredients. Write your personal and special recipe for friendship. (for example, two cups of honesty, one tablespoon of humour, one half cups of joy)


1 ½ cups of
1 tablespoon of
1 teaspoon of
4 cups of
½ gallon of
1 pinch of
a dash of
2 cups of
1 bar of

Bake at 350 Degrees FOREVER!

DISCUSSION: discuss in class some of the works of the students about what they think are the characteristics and qualities of a good friend.

Creative commons license: attribution, share-alike

my first spreadsheet



I am a 2nd year student in the University of the Philippines, Diliman taking up EDUCATION hopefully majoring in BEEd TEG (Teaching in the Early Grades)

I am a friend, a fighter for the protection of the unborn and the preservation of the marriage and the family. I am a poet (you may visit for the compilation of my poetry).

Contact Information:

Email: ;
Delicious account: jbjuat
Twitter account: jbjuat


EDUC 190 is a 3 unit course which meets 6 hours a week. Topics include open source, worksheet generators, classroom management activities, online gaming, html and others. To help the readers understand what is being done in educ 190, feel free to browse through the creative outputs seen here in this blog. Happy browsing!